Monday, November 13, 2006

Time Management and Setting Priorities

A Beautiful Story I came across on Time Management and Setting Priorities.
A professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about 2" diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full? They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them in to the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The students laughed.
He asked his students again if the jar was full? They agreed that yes,it was. The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
"Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this is your life.
The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children -anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed.
The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, house, or car.
The sand is everything else, the "small stuff."
"If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks.
The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important.
Pay attention to the things that are Important in your life and spend time on the Important.

Some of the Important's are:
  • Spend time with your Family.
  • Spend time with your People.
  • Spend time for your Customers.
  • Play with your children.
  • Take time to get medical checkups.
  • Take your partner out once a while.
  • Take time to renew yourself.
  • Find time for maintainance.
  • Spend time on Preventing than on Solving Problems
***** Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter.****
Set your priorities, the rest is just pebbles and sand.

Believe in yourself, know what you want, and make it happen!

Now its time for me to set my priorities... catch u later with some other stuff.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Collection of famous quotes by Navjot Singh

Collection of famous quotes by Navjot Singh (the Indian Cricketer)

  1. That ball went so high it could have got an air hostess down with it.
  2. There is light at the end of the tunnel for India, but it's that of an incoming train which will run them over.
  3. Experience is like a comb that life gives you when you are bald.
  4. This quote was made after Ganguly called Dravid for a run and midway sent him back and Dravid was run out in the third test against the West Indies at Barbados ."Ganguly has thrown a drowning man both ends of the rope."
  5. Sri Lankan score is running like an Indian taximeter.
  6. Statistics are like miniskirts, they reveal more than what they hide.
  7. Wickets are like wives - you never know which way they will turn!
  8. He is like Indian three-wheeler, which will suck a lot of diesel but cannot go beyond 30!
  9. The Indians are going to beat the Kiwis! Let me tell you, my friend that the Kiwi is the only bird in the whole world, which does not have wings!
  10. As uncomfortable as a bum on a porcupine.
  11. The ball whizzes past like a bumble -bee and the Indians are in the sea.
  12. The Indians are finding the gaps like a pin a haystack.
  13. The pitch is as dead as a dodo.
  14. The way Indian wickets are falling reminds of the cycle stand at Rajendra Talkies in Patiala one falls and everything else falls!
  15. You cannot make Omelets without breaking the eggs.
  16. Deep Dasgupta is not a Wicket Keeper, he is a goalkeeper. He must be given a free transfer to Manchester United.
  17. He will fight a rattlesnake and give it the first two bites too.
  18. One, who doesn't throw the dice, can never expect to score a six.
  19. Anybody can pilot a ship when the sea is calm.
  20. Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two.
  21. You got to choose between tightening your belt or losing your pants.
  22. . The cat with gloves catches no mice.
  23. Age has been perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.
  24. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg.
  25. He is like a one-legged man in a bum kicking competition.
  26. The third umpires should be changed as often as nappies and for the same reason.
  27. Kumble's bowling at the moment is flat as a Dosa.

And Finally the clincher:-

This quote was made when India was losing a match and one of the fellow commentator made the mistake of saying that things would have been different had Tendulkar's wicket not fallen at the wrong time.

My dear, if my aunt was a man she would have been my uncle !!!!

Don't say "YES"when you want to say "NO"

Tell me if this sounds familiar -- someone asks you to do something that
you really don't want to do or you honestly don't have time for. It might
be a request or an unreasonable request from a friend, a neighbour, a
close relative, a familty member, your office colleague or your boss
for just working late. But you feel like you will let the other person
down if you say "no". You feel GUILTY already, and you haven't even
responded yet! So you say, "Sure," even though doing so is going to put
you under tremendous stress and PRESSURE. You know that you will probably
end up resenting this activity, and maybe even ducking some of your
responsibilities because your heart's just not in it, but you go ahead and
agree anyway.

Why are we so afraid to tell people "NO"? For some reason, we have been
taught that "no" is DISRESPECTFUL -- and even insulting. We seem to value
other people's time more than our own -- feeling that we need to bend over
backward to accommodate others, even if it inconveniences us. I know we're
atoning for the "me", but let's be reasonable! "No" is actually one
of the healthiest words that can come out of your mouth. When you tell
someone "no," you are really saying that you understand and accept your
own LIMITS, and don't want to do a shoddy job by overwhelming yourself.
That you value your time and priorities and aren't willing to take away
from the truly important things in your life. A little selfishness is
necessary, if you want to maintain a balanced and sane life!

"If you do not stand for something - you will fall for anythings or everything."

So how do you say "NO" without insulting the other person, feeling
consumed with guilt, or hurting your own credibility? We need to find a
way to say "no" without dragging up all of those HIDDEN FEARS -- they'll
think I'm lazy or selfish, that I have no career drive, that I'm not
ambitious, that I have no concern for other people. And it's time to give
up all of those roles you're so proud of -- supermom, martyr, hero -- but
are keeping you from finding true peace. Once you've accepted that you
have the right (and often responsibility) to turn someone down, you can do
it in a way that doesn't seem like a REJECTION. Let me show you how:

Here are 20 ways to say "NO" without hurting others

or a simple, straight, direct "NO"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nine Things You Should Never Say in an Interview !!

1. What does your company do?"
Ask questions that show you’re well informed and eager to work at the company, not those to which you should already know the answers, or that can be easily gleaned from the company's website or annual report.

2. "My salary requirements are very flexible."
Compensation is often the touchiest subject in an interview. Certainly you want to know what a company will pay, and interviewers want to know what you're willing to take. It’s a negotiation, not a game. When push comes to shove, you should be willing at least to give a range, even if you have to be broad and say, for example, “I’m looking for something between $30,000 and $60,000.”

But don’t pretend to be flexible when you aren’t. If you’re worried that your salary requirements are too high for the job, you may need to do some serious thinking about how low you're willing to go. Don't sell yourself short, but ask yourself how much you honestly think you’re worth. Do research about what similar jobs pay and what salaries are like in the region. If a company comes back with too low an offer, you can always try and negotiate up.

3. "It would be hella cool to get jiggy with this job."
Maybe that is how all of your friends talk (and it’s become a habit with you), but it’s not the way you should speak during a job interview. Using slang is a serious turnoff for interviewers. You may be articulate, intelligent, and confident, but like, you sure won’t sound that way.

4. "Bill Gates himself offered me a $100,000 bonus."
Don’t lie! You’ll be found out, and you’ll regret it. Someday when you least expect it, someone somewhere will discover that you didn’t really increase sales by 999 percent in six months. Interviewers know you’ll probably exaggerate a little to sell yourself; but don’t cross the line between exaggeration and out-and-out lying.

5. "In five years, I see myself on a boat in the Caribbean."
When interviewers ask you about long-term goals, they want an answer that relates to the company. Telling them that you really want to be living on a farm (unless you're applying for an agricultural job) isn’t going to convince them that you're an ambitious professional in your chosen field.

Even if you don't plan to stick around long, say something that reflects a commitment to the position and the company. This may seem to contradict the previous exhortation about lying, but try to think of it as a rhetorical question. You might still be at the same company in five years, right?

6. “Sorry, I don’t know how to do that.”
Rather than admitting that you don't have a specific skill, stress that you’re a fast learner and are excited about the possibility of acquiring new skills. Most companies would rather hire an enthusiastic, smart person who needs to be trained than someone who already has the required skills but isn’t as eager to learn.

7. “You see, I just went through a painful divorce. . . .”
Even if an interviewer starts getting personal, don’t follow suit. You may think you’re being open and honest, but you’re really just coming across as unprofessional, unfocused, and disrespectful. Keep it businesslike and polite.

8. “What can your company do for me?”
Interviewers hate arrogance and selfishness. They want to know why they should hire you. Stress the contributions you can make. Tell them about how your efforts helped previous employers. Don’t start asking about raises, bonuses, and promotions right away.

Remember, you’re the one being interviewed, and while you should use the opportunity to get your questions answered, you shouldn't make it seem as if you'll be doing them a favor if they hire you.

9. “I left my last job because my boss was a real jerk.”
Bad-mouthing your previous employer is possibly the dumbest thing you can do during an interview. Even if your last company was a chaotic hellhole, your boss was a monster, your coworkers were Martians, and you got paid in tin cans, say that you left to look for more responsibility, you wanted greater opportunity for advancement, or you were just ready for a change.


Today if we are asked as to what kind of person we are, we tend to say, we are not a GOOD HUMAN BEING. We say this not out of modesty but out of guilt-stricken sincerity. Though we don’t call ourselves Bad, we don’t consider ourselves Good either. This applies to the majority of the human race, and perhaps includes 'You' too.

The answer ‘You’ give is due to our life-long confusion. The confusion that emerges as the result of our constant self-talk. The confusion that leads to an identity crisis urging you to believe that there is more than one person living inside you. You often shuffle between each of these different ‘You’ at some point of time in your life. The three ‘You’ that shapes your entire personality are:
- The External You
- The Internal You
- The Real You

The External You
The External ‘You’ is the active, manipulated self. It is this ‘You’ that the world sees. This ‘You’ is what the world knows you as. If this ‘You’ is good, then the world considers you Good. If this ‘You’ is bad then the world calls you Bad. This ‘You’ is the mask you wear throughout your life.

This ‘You’ is not born with you, but is created the moment you start conceptualizing the life events that occur around you. This ‘You’ acts as the shield because it avoids the world to see through itself. This ‘You’ is created to safeguard the personal interests that matters. This ‘You’ behaves according to the program you have set for it. It is never spontaneous. Instead a deep level thinking always occurs before each action.

This ‘You’ is created with an intention to cover up the Internal ‘You’, and hence is under constant pressure to reach up to the world’s expectation. This ‘You’ c
onstantly craves for control over each and every situation. It is constantly involved in the process of evaluation & judgement, so that it can prepare itself beforehand, to face any situation. This ‘You’ fears the unknown, and that's why it wants to know and understand everything around it. Since it’s this ‘You‘, you identify yourself most of the time, it often tends to believe that it is the only ‘You’.

The Internal You
The Internal ‘You’ is the passive, timid self. This ‘You’ talks to you in your solitude. This ‘You’ is borne within you since birth. It is this ‘You’ that is known only to you and no one else. This ‘You’ is aware of the bad intentions behind the good deeds and the good intentions that fail to serve the purpose. This ‘You’ is the ‘You’ that wears the Mask all the time.

This ‘You’ is under the constant threat of survival. It lacks confidence and does not consider itself good enough to face the world. It considers life to be unfair and world to be an enemy. This ‘You’ suppresses all its desires as it fears misunderstanding & rejection from the outside world. Hence it takes shelter behind the External ‘You’ that behaves according to the world norms.

This ‘You’ is the frustrated one as it is aware of its own weakness and helplessness. This ‘You’ wants a savior to save itself. This ‘You’ seeks comfort in the form of HOPE, which leads towards GOD & RELIGION.

The Real You
The Real ‘You’ is the pure, eternal self. This ‘You’ is the part of the Pure Absolute Beingness, which existed even before your birth and will continue existing even after you die. This ‘You’ is the Unknown Phenomenal Self.

This ‘You’ is the supreme undying Self, which is beyond the comprehension of mind, beyond all conceptualization. It is this ‘You’ that stays with you even when you are asleep. In sleep you loose contact with your mind and the world. You are not even aware of the bed you are sleeping on. That awareness comes soon after you wake up. And then the Internal ‘You’ takes over you, which is again taken over by the External ‘You’. Thus the Real ‘You’ gets ignored because you acknowledge either of the External or Internal ‘You’ as your Self, in the waking state.

It is because of your ignorance, that you see the Real ‘You’ as the separate self. The Real ‘You’ is the one that is sought after. It is this ‘You’ that is referred to as GOD.

The knowing of this ‘You’ is the beginning of Awareness.
The Understanding of this ‘You’ would bring about peace to the restless human soul.
The realization of this ‘You’ leads to ENLIGHTENMENT.
- Source Unknown

Quotes for Performance !!

"Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution." – Stephen Sondheim

“If anything is worth trying at all, it’s worth trying at least 10 times.” Art Linkletter

Life responds to deserve and not to need. It doesn't say,"If you need,you will reap." It says,"If you plant you will reap."The guys says,"I really need to reap."Then you really need to plant. -Jim Rohn

"I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act, but I believe in a fate that falls on men unless they act." –– G.K. Chesterton

"Slumps are like a soft bed.They're easy to get into and hard to get out of." Johnny Bench

"I like to be against the odds. I'm not afraid to be lonely at the top. With me, it's just the satisfaction of the game. Just performance. " Barry Bonds

The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch. Jim Rohn

"Great works are done when one is not calculating and thinking." Daisetz T. Suzuki

"There's no such things as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it." Pat Riley

"Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make something happen." Lee Iacocca

Make rest a neccesity,not an objective.Only rest long enough to gather strenght. Jim Rohn

"My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging." Hank Aaron

"The important thing is to dare to dream big, then take action to make it come true." Joe Girard

"Step up the stairs or stare at the steps." Ralph Nichols

"I read myself out of poverty, long before I worked myself out of poverty." Walter Anderson

The soil says,"Dont bring me your need.Bring me your seed." Jim Rohn

"Past performance produces present privileges." Anonymous

"Performance for another in no way signals the inferiority of the performer to the one for whom the performance is intended." Sandra Bartky

"Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"When the right thing is understood, but one slackens his performance; then his attention will become commanded by the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things. When these things come to dominate one's interest, his performance of the more important spiritual insights will fail. Belief without performance will never produce desired results. It is like planting seeds in your garden, watering the garden until they sprout, then failing to continue to water and weed thereafter. Likewise, a person caught by procrastination in the stony and thorny ground of mere belief, will never reap the fruits of his ideals." Loyd J. Ericson

"An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise." William Dean Howells

"It is our individual performances, no matter how humble our place in life may be, that will in the long run determine how well ordered the world may become." Paul C. Packer

You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor. Jim Rohn

"Be fanatics. When it comes to being and doing and dreaming the best, be maniacs." A.M. Rosenthal

"The man who does not take pride in his own performance performs nothing in which to take pride." Thomas J. Watson

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand." Woodrow Wilson

"I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism." Charles Schwab

You must get good at one of two things;planting in the spring or begging in the fall. Jim Rohn

"You don't concentrate on risks. You concentrate on results. No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done." Charles Yeager

"What we think or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do." John Ruskin

Leading L’s in Life !!

Leading is the one skill that we should practice toward ourselves first, and then to others: There is no good leadership possible without proper self-leadership. If you don’t know how to carry yourself, you will never be able to show others the right way. It is only when people respect how you present yourself over time, that they will really accept your leadership, whether you are their official superintendent or not. However, in order to be a great self-leader and an accepted leader for others, there are some priceless facts of life that you should continuously practice.

Listed below are these 10 vital facts and the way they should be perceived:

Learning is the only thing we do from day one after birth: every new experience, every disappointment or victory, is a lesson that we should use in our decisions later.

Listening is not just a polite activity, but it can be the determining factor in being accepted or not. When people know that you lend them an empathetic ear, that you also listen to the unsaid, and that you listen with more than just your ears and your mind, you will earn their timeless respect and loyalty.

Loving is the single emotion that will weed out all negativity that is presented to us in the course of time. It will lead us to the realization that the world will be a much better place if we all start practicing it just a little bit more intense.

Laughing is the one act that we should practice more often: not only when we hear something funny or when we experience a great progress, but also when we catch ourselves making silly mistakes: for if you cannot laugh about yourself, you are in big trouble.

Looking is one of the most misinterpreted words in the alphabet. Most of the time we consider it as an act to be executed with the eyes only. But looking with the mind, heart, and soul into other people’s character and their spirit can guide you to the right decisions…more than anything else.

Leaping may be considered the most daring act in life: It comes after looking, but it requires much more than insight. It also demands bravery and decisiveness. Some leaps may have a life-changing effect.

Legacy is what every self-respecting person would like to leave for others. What a wonderful idea that people will continue to think of us, quote us, use our wisdom or our strategies, long after our physical presence has faded away. Leaving a legacy begins with living in an exemplary way.

Loyalty toward friends, co-workers, subordinates, and not in the least to your own principles, will be recognized by the ones who follow your acts. They will learn from your behavior, and carry forth this skill toward others.

Luck cannot be bought or ordered. But it can be found in the most unexpected corners of life. It will manifest itself when least expected: as a result of a good deed done to someone, somewhere, somehow. Luck is the karma that some people mention when they encourage you to do well unto others. Luck is the positive reward we get for the unknown blessings we brought unto others.

Living, finally, is the one requirement without which none of the above would be possible. If you want to be a good leader for yourself and others, you should realize that the art of living lies in a good balance in everything you do: enough hard work, enough exercise, enough fun, and enough rest. You just perform better when you are in balance.

Remember: you exude what you are, whether you are aware of it or not.

Courtesy : LD